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Set of 5: John Sloane 300 Large Piece Jigsaw Puzzles

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Set of 5: John Sloane 300 Large Piece Jigsaw Puzzles

  • #45277
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  • Out of Stock

This set contains following puzzles:-
- From the Fields 300 Large Piece Jigsaw Puzzle
- To Grandmother's House 300 Large Piece Jigsaw Puzzle
Room for One More 300 Large Piece Jigsaw Puzzle
- Sunday Drive 300 Large Piece Jigsaw Puzzle
- Round and Round 300 Large Piece Jigsaw Puzzle

John Sloane wanted to be an artist from the time he was able to hold a pencil. He has always been fascinated by the beauty of the countryside and the changing seasons. "When I paint a meadow or a country road, I feel as though I am in the painting. I want to portray the joy I feel for the American countryside and express a sense of timelessness and universality in the land". John sees no basic difference in the way people were and the way they are today. "Although the clothes we wear and the way we travel have changed radically in the past century, I believe people are essentially the same on the inside. Love is still the greatest force on earth". He captures this sentiment in each of his wonderfully illustrated paintings. Each 300 large piece jigsaw measures 18" x 24".

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